Sunday, April 21, 2013


today marks the beginning. a new blog. my second one. my first blog is about me, the writer, the ever-searching woman. this one is about life with my son. my sun.

the idea for it came at the suggestion of a friend. she knew i needed something else, to break apart the straight line that is life in this town where i grew up. a town that i left, certain i'd never have to live here again ... yet here i am. a town that, like me, is struggling to rediscover itself. my friend said, try to find joy again through your son's eyes. she told me to take photos  each day of the small miracles he finds in exploring his new world. at first i thought, okay, i'll share a photo on facebook every day. then i thought, no, no i won't. because that's not enough. so i closed my eyes, concentrated for a few minutes, and then i knew what to do.

so here i am. here we are. me and my son.

this is our life in north-central west virginia. baby steps, literally and figuratively. watch us grow.

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